Brilliant additions Stuart Englander, and thank you for my very own word, Cuztree.
Here’s what happens! You’re the newest member of THE CREW!
Welcome and know that your name and your words are now in the ‘soon to be released’ Word by Word Dictionary.
Here’s the Crew
Eli Snow , Daniel G. Clark , Tree Langdon, Eashan Reddy Kotha, Paroma Sen, Keno Ogbo, James G Brennan Uchechi Obasi, Timothy Key, Adam Slawson, Stuart Englander
Stuart joined us with some creative new words, including my favorite, Cuztree, just because I asked, and Amblicator, for the person who aren’t in a hurry.
Daniel coined Waitag, which I’m guilty of. Waitag is for the times when you’ve been prompted to respond to an article but leave them hanging for a long time
Uchechi shared the useful word Slurt, for the friend that cannot keep secrets and blurts them out.
James coined Powgry, a great word for power hungry.
Keno coined Aweshortsome for feeling awesome while selling yourself short just in case the other person does not think so.
Paroma shared Confoundium, the state of distraction brought on by multitasking.
Eashan shared the word Foodspire, to describe sweating while eating spicy food.
Eli coined Neglecticle for that forlorn article of clothing in your closet.
Timothy provided us with Dipnoodle, a G rated curse word.
Tree coined Classifried for fried food eaten in a classy restaurant.